Covid-19 Operating Procedures and Conditions May 2021


We will be doing our best to keep our attendees as safe as possible during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Face Coverings:  All attendees must wear a mask over their mouth AND nose at all time unless you are seated AND eating or drinking.  Face shields alone are not acceptable.

Temperature Checks:  All attendees will have their temperature checked at the front door.  If you have a temperature you will be denied entry.

Waiver Questions:  All attendees are required to complete the waiver at the time of registration.  There are Covid-19 questions designed to keep everyone safe.

Cancellation Policy:  There are no refunds.

Each registration is a spot taken that cannot be used for someone else.  Please contact Kenneth Dillard at for questions about cancellations.

Contact Tracing:  Each person who registers provides their name and date of attendance should the need for contact tracing arise due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Sanitization:  All surfaces are routinely sanitized at least daily and more frequently at the discretion of the Downer’s Sand Club operators.

Hand Washing:  We encourage all attendees to wash their hands with hand sanitizer or soap and water frequently.

For further questions, please contact